Merry Christmas (or merry whateveryoulike[tm])

This is where I wish all of you a merry christmas! Whether you celebrate Jesus’s birthday, a reason to stay away from work or an excuse to buy overpriced toys ‘n’ gadgets (economy thanks you for your service) - enjoy the shit out of it!

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Getting ready for 34c3 - They see me packin' ma' suitcase...

The event:

The Chaos Communication Congress (C3) is an IT-/Hacker-/Tech-/Art-/Politics-/Nerd-/Cyber(tm)-Conference, organized by the Chaos Computer Club (CCC), a club / NGO of hackers (all colours, majority: white-hat) in Germany. It grew to be one of the larger events of this sort in Europe and is being held in its 34th iteration. I’ll be joining as a regular visitor for my 5th time, despite not being a member. You get to meet all sorts of interesting people there and -most importantly- their work. The “hackcenter” is always worth a visit, for it is a gathering of hackerspaces, fablabs, CCC-subdivisions etc. from all over Europe, showing off their projects and builds - similar to a smaller but nerdier makerfair. Techies of all ages and skills, even myself, will find enough to see to justify an enjoyable visit! The lounge / bar / disco would suffice already.

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The PiCaSU - updates on the build

Good morning, reality! Thanks! Fu** you, too!

Since one of the reasons to start building the PiCaSU was to reacquaint me with coding through a project, I was very happy to recieve the components and get started. Developing on/for a remote RPi seems to be quiet a hassle, though. The most effecient way for development seems to be a remote desktop-session, which I strongly dislike. As soon as I achieved a working app-core and changes become less frequent, I will try to switch to a purely git-based workflow - thus allowing anyone interested to join in.

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The PiCaSU - a RasPi-based IP-cam for streaming and more


I would very much like to document my projects in still images and video. Having live-footage to stream via OBS would make me able to engage in more social making, i.e. via twitch. The main purpose of a suitable camera is to capture my workspace in an overhead view. However, I would like the opportunity to hardware-zoom to a detail or to change the angle. An electric viewfinder would aid a lot with achieving this on-the-fly. My current housing calls for a wireless solution, but I want the device to support wired comnication, for the future. Since streaming live is one central use-case of the cam, I would like to control the camera without leaving the workbench and perhaps even hands-free. Lighting is poor in my workspace but essential for quality images. The cam needs a light-source, too.

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Houston, we have a blog!

Good morning, interwebz! I finally managed to set up a blog to document my builds and - for the sake of education or entertainment - my struggles and failures. An occasional opinion or rant will also likely follow.

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